"Man, image of your author, break from your harsh jail at the voice of your creator!"

"If Man passes from non-being to being, then the spouse of Light he will be... he
being opposite her in that happy bridal bed. But it will not be so for me!"

Prince of Darkness: "Who could, with this invocation, compel me to come out, breaking from this deadly dungeon..."
Shadow: "O, lucernal one, who else but I who am Shadow, could have use for the Prince of Darkness"

Shadow: "Let us confect a thing full of opium henbane and hemlock so charming and
so poisonous that with his senses made strange Man breaks the commandment..."

Chorus: "What have you done, O Man?!" Man: "Gotten rid of my Understanding, and without him to
pester me, I will eat the forbidden fruit. Look!"

Man: "O, woe is me that I have darkened the whole world! Light: "Woe to the world,
for your miserable error, will be its legacy!"

Shadow: "What good fortune, having passed, is
not dreamed? ...For because of your guilt you awoke in my arms here in the arms of Death!"

"Listen! A gallant pilgrim crossing the harshness of the wildeness comes to this place!"

"This pure, clear, limpid Water, which from the Jordan's banks I have collected... washes
Man clean of his offense, so that its beautiful streams being sanctified they will open the
doors to a better paradise!"

Man: "My change of heart I offer at your feet" Understanding: "and I offer to counsel his
change of heart. Free Will: "and I to lead him to the good." Light: "and I will give
him Grace that will enlighten him."

". . .Strength, pardon, shelter, and haven Mercy, refuge, and forgiveness..."
"To see so breathtaking a production was truly a remarkable privilege. ...I have talked more about the ideas of this
production than any other for a long time." --Max Harris, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Humanities Council.